Understanding science: when metaphors become terms
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منابع مشابه
Metaphor Understanding { a Cognitive Science Perspective
This paper surveys some of the important trends of the research on metaphor comprehension in the cognitive science area. We examine the semantic theories of the metaphor, some pros and (mostly) cons of the very challenged error-recovery model of metaphor comprehension. We present Lakoo's view that metaphors are conceptual rather than linguistic phenomena; we discuss how theories of other tropes...
متن کاملMetaphors of Human Thinking in HCI: Habit, Stream of Thought, Awareness, Utterance, and Knowing
Understanding human thinking is crucial in the design and evaluation of human-computer interaction. Inspired by introspective psychology, we present five metaphors of human thinking. The aim of the metaphors is to help designers to consider important traits of human thinking when designing. The metaphors capture aspects of human thinking virtually absent in recent years of HCI literature. As an...
متن کاملWhen metaphors in the mind become metaphors in the mouth: Documenting the emergence of a new system of linguistic metaphors for time
Languages exhibit striking semantic diversity, but different languages often share core metaphors. Conceptual Metaphor Theory (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980) claims that universal human experiences give rise to conceptual representations that are then expressed in language. But languages change slowly, making it difficult to observe implicit conceptualization affecting linguistic convention in real ti...
متن کاملThe relationship between Iranian EFL Learner's cultural knowledge and understanding metaphorical proverbs
In this study purpose is to show a distinction between the English and the Persian proverbs. It investigates that how far metaphors and representation of both languages can be compared with each other. This study examines to extent people's understanding of proverbs can be clarified in terms of cultural similarities or differences. The aim of this paper is to reflect culture, customs and tradit...
متن کاملWhy Machine-Information Metaphors are Bad for Science and Science Education
Genes are often described by biologists using metaphors derived from computational science: they are thought of as carriers of information, as being the equivalent of ‘‘blueprints’’ for the construction of organisms. Likewise, cells are often characterized as ‘‘factories’’ and organisms themselves become analogous tomachines. Accordingly,when the human genome project was initially announced, th...
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